Effing ay! Had to work like showhoa last night! Nuff said its disturbing!
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YESTERDAY WAS ANDY-REW'S BIRFDAY!!! So I went to his house and we chilled for a bit... new baby = so freakin cute! jill and jaden are getting so big! Andy-rews mom was mad cuz I had on tink shoes and my tink purse! Hahahaha... oh swells! Also I went to Hollywood Video for a bit... the newbie was there... I bet I get stuck training her today... wonderfreakingful!!!!!!!! GRRR BAH
Today I work 1-8 with Jason B, the newbie... well everyone i think... oh except Jason P but that doesn't matter to me anyway! Then after work I'm gonna head over to celebrate ANDY-REW'S BIRFDAY WITH HIM... oh... I made him a cake but I forgot to turn the oven off when I left to his casa... and it kinda... burnt... so did Jame's cake... his birfday was yesterday too! SORRY! I O U CAKE!!!!
So lately I've been realizing that the friends I thought I had (girls) are not my friends anymore... and you know what? Oh fucking well! I'm over it! Thanks for pretending to be my friend though, it was nice!
I'm second in the district selling bundles... thats out of like 150+ people... so I'm not depressed about that! Because I am such a bundle machine, george gave me all the hours I want next week! (35) w00t!!!!!! Anyways y'all I got shit to do that's more important than sitting here typing!
Peace out beeyotches